I have so much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful husband who loves and adores me, a big family that is always there for me, and sweet, encouraging friends who listen when I need to talk. I have a house and plenty of food, a job and two cars both paid off. I am very, very rich. I do not take what I have for granted because I know that there are millions out there suffering at this very moment, from poverty, from abuse, from neglect, so many people who need love and who need people to step up and help them in the name of Jesus Christ.
"If you give to the poor, your needs will be supplied! But a curse upon those who close their eyes to poverty." Proverbs 28:27
If I'm sounding a bit preachy, then good! A friend of mind posted a photo on Facebook today that showed a woman thanking Jesus for helping her find her keys, a football player with his hands raised in prayer thanking God for helping him play well, and the last photo was a starving African child. I wanted to retort, but how could I? The Bible says, "...give thanks in all circumstances" and we should. It is not wrong to thank Jesus for small blessings in our lives, but we must also remember that as Jesus has blessed us, so must we bless those in need. Give your money, or your time, or whatever God is calling you to give up and your rewards will be heaped upon you, if not in this life, then in eternity. Despite what people believe about God, he has a heart for the poor and the needy and the oppressed, and he has commanded us, His disciples, to care for them.
"There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land." Deuteronomy 15:11.
I don't want you to think that I am not saying this to myself as well as to you, because I am a very selfish and self-serving person. I give though, and I help. I have a husband who's spiritual Gift is service. But we can always do more, and give up more for the sake of those who are hungry or have no place to lay their heads. There will always be poverty because this is a broken world, but that does not mean that we are to let it carry on without a fight.
And, on a lighter note, we had a great time in Joplin with my mom, sisters, and their families. The visit was relatively stress free and I enjoyed holding my nephew, Collin, who is four months old. I love all of my nieces and nephews, and I love when I get to see them!
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Sweet Collin |
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Six of the eight grand kids |